Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.

Was at the fabric store getting some supplies so I could complete 11 purses, that I needed to sew that next week.  Yes, that is correct.  Eleven. Purses. 
Anywhooooo the way they have checkout stand at stores cracks me up... seriously genius!  Sure way to get people to spend more money and buy things they had no intention of buying when they came to the store. 
While waiting in line to check out I spotted bags of these felt snowmen, candy canes, Christmas tree's, ornaments.... you get the idea.  Each package was only $1.  I grabbed 3 and a spool of there $1 ribbon, not knowing what I would do with them... just knew I didn't want to pass up that deal.
Got home and realized the backs of each felt thingy was self adhesive.  Score.... that just made things ridiculously easy.  Laid out a ribbon to the desired length.  Matched up each of my pieces so I could sandwich ribbon between them. 
$4 later and about 15 minutes worth of my time and I have some winter holiday garland. 





Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.


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