Monday, August 16, 2010

True friendship is one of your greatest treasures.

When I saw Bakerella add her newest masterpiece to her collection I was dying to give it a whirl.  Mr. Potato Head from Toy Story!  That woman is beyond creative... and patient.  The key to a good cake pop is patience.  Lots and lots of patience...... did I mention patience?

A friend contacted me and was wanting something fun to give as a gift and thought of my cake pops.  She gave me free reign of what the finished product would be... just had to have a certain amount.  Time to do some Mr. Potato Head's! wooooooo. 

I waited until the hubby took the kids on an adventure before I started my own adventure.  See... the coating of the Mr. Potato Head is peanut butter candy coating and having my adorable Ms. Izzie-bizzie around who is deathly allergic to nuts, while I'm doing this masterpiece scared the crap out of me. ;)  

Time to start my adventure..... and whew it was an adventure.  There are soooo many things to stick into the cake pop after it is dunked it gets a bit frantic before it sets. 


I decided to do brownie instead of cake on these bad boys.  Peanut butter and brownie... c'mon!  Who can pass that up?? So the inside of these are chocolate brownie with chocolate cream cheese frosting. Dunked in a peanut butter candy coating.  Here are the supplies I used to complete Mr. Potato Head.
  • Peanut butter-flavored candy coating
  • Paper sucker sticks (cut into small pieces and bent for arms)
  • Pink jumbo confetti sprinkles (ears)
  • Junior Mints (hats)
  • Peanut butter morsels (nose)
  • White confetti sprinkles (eyes & teeth)
  • Chocolate coated sunflower seeds in black (mustache. Couldn't find black. Ended up using purple and coloring them black with my edible ink pen)
  • Red colorstick sprinkles (lips)
  • Blue Peanut M&M's (shoes)
  • Black edible ink pen (eye details)
  • Toothpicks
  • Paper lollipop sticks


I only needed to make 10 Mr. Potato Head's for friend so I had a lot of cake balls left over.  Aaron was planning my birthday party coming up and his well lets just say he likes to make sure no one feels left out in the invite department!  He was also planning on making me my favorite cake... which meant we wouldn't have enough dessert for everyone.  Left over brownie cake balls... need more dessert... problem solved! 
I know I said above that I was dying to make those Mr. Potato Heads when Bakerella posted them on her site... but who am I kidding!... I want to make most things that come up on her site.  Like these Ice Cream cake pops!  Soooo stinking adorable. 


Excuse the horrible picture quality... only had my cell phone sitting next to me at the time.  We have the chocolate brownie with chocolate cream cheese frosting dunked in a strawberry chocolate or an orange chocolate.  Mmm. and oh. my. sugar. richness. 




There you have it.  Two more kinds of cake pops to add to my collection.... :)

Today's Positive Thought
True friendship is one of your greatest


Previous Comments:

Mom - Adorable!

Aaron - Well too bad I could not eat them, but the Mr Potato Head pops are awesome. Your skillz and attention to details is impressive baby. Thanks for supplementing the nummy sweets with the ice cream cake pops....yummmmmmmmmm

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Within you lies a great and wondrous future.

I was asked to make some Gonzaga themed cake  pops... maybe a bulldog.
I went on a search to the local shops for a chocolate bulldog mold as a back up and kept my fingers crossed that I would be able to make a bulldog cake pop... or something that resembled a bulldog cake pop. 

Elliott hates it when I make cake pops... ;) 



Here is my bulldog... looks like a bulldog right? I think I'll be able to make them a bit more smooth next time... maybe making the mouth piece ears on wax paper before then adding them after the dunk... 


I held up one of the bulldogs to Elliott who is 3... and asked him what it was... "Doggie cake pop!! mmm" Whew. ok well at least it looks like a dog.  Text a picture to Aaron and asked him what it looked like... "Bulldog!" ok. Mission accomplished... and I didn't have to use the bulldog mold that I found that didn't really look like a bulldog. 


Did the rest of the cake pops in red and blue with some opposite color sugar sprinkles. 

me likie. 






Today's Positive Thought
Within you lies a great and wondrous future.


Previous Comments:

Emi - holy crap. just when i think I can't get any more impressed. you go and do it again.

Aaron - Well Adam's reaction says it all...these cake pops rocked! Nice work baby and delicious as always too :) Elliott certainly approves!!! I love you and appreciate all you do XOXO

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

If you want to be happy, be.

When Elliott was a babe we did some serious baby proofing of the house.  One of the many things we did was put this spongy padding on the edges of our extremely sharp edges of our table in the family room.  You can see it behind the adorable younger Izzie in the picture below...
We got the table from IKEA (love) soooo not the greatest quality.  When we removed the spongy padded goodness it took the first layer off with it.  Awesome.  I finally got tired of looking at the ugliness of it and did something about it.
Tore up a bunch of paper and then started the process of mod podging it to the table.  FYI: once you start the whole fun-ness (yes, that's a word in the land of Aimee) that is mod podge you want to do it on every surface of your house.  I'm having a hard time controlling myself. 
Added some fun quotes and a square of bike paper. :) Me likie.
Put it outside on the porch to bake/dry in the sun and so Elliott wouldn't glue one of his many cars to it.
Complete.  I love how it turned out. Yay!

If you want to be happy, be.  ~Leo Tolstoy


Previous Comments:

Jme - It turned out really cute!!

Aaron - I love the "new" table. Sooooo much better than the damaged look after removing the padding. :) Very nice work there crafty-pants. XOXO

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Within you lies a great and wondrous future.

It's a purse kinda day.  First purse I was asked to make and given a idea of color... this is what I came up with...
I dig it.  First one I've made where I made the handle and lemmie just say... big fan.  I think I'm gonna keep er this way.
Now onto the Twin. 
I live in a world where I think EVERYONE  loves in your face bold, fun, bright fabric.  I was trying to not pull a homer (give Marge a bowling ball for her birthday with his name engraved on it) and really pick a fabric that my sister would enjoy and that looked like her. 
Oh my goodness.
I was in paradise for a good hour on sensory overload trying to pick.  I kept going back to the bright fabric.  I ended up emailing two photo's to my mama and let her make the final choice.  I then called the mama and asked her thoughts....
She thought I should go with the lighter version. 
I thought I should go with the darker version. 
After some thought and more talking to the mama I went with the lighter fabric.  Sheesh who knew making a choice could be so hard. 
There she is.  Twin's purse :)  Me likie.
I wasn't sure if she would enjoy a flower accent so I decided to hold off on it and see what she thought and mail her one if it turned out she did want one :) Who knew I would be lacking so much confidence when making the Twin a bag. 
I just wanted her to really really really enjoy it.
So this was my 6th or 7th... 8th... I dunno maybe my 10th purse I've made and I haven't made one for myself yet.  Since it was my birthday too decided to give myself a little present.  Mostly because I couldn't resist this bike fabric I saw... seriously... how cute is that??
Mmm. Yes. Very Aimee.
Thought up a new concoction for the flower accent on the front... soon that one (on the purse above) will be ditched and replaced with the new idea... along with sending one to the Twin. :)
Happy purses!

Within you lies a great and wondrous future.


Previous Comments:

Charise - Love my purse! I think I would have liked any version you gave me :) Can't wait for the flower!

Mom - SO CUTE! I think you made the right choice on Twin' it. And yours is so YOU! Love the bike fabric. Man you should sell those puppies!

Liz - You are ridiculously talented!