Monday, April 27, 2009

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up

Once a month (twice this month! ;)) I get together with a bunch of friends and we paint pottery, laugh, tell stories, drink & eat. It is much fun. We each bring something for everyone else to snack on.
Here is the fruit pizza I made..

The fruit pizza turned out soooooo good. T and I ended up being the only ladies that could make it for the night. We had a blast.

The next photo is for Liz... she wanted to see how my pottery from the previous time turned out.

It's a cookie jar! Isn't it sooo cute?! Love how it turned out. I origianlly made it for my Mom.... but I loved how it turned out so much I had to keep it for myself. Teehee. Sorry mom!

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. -Mark Twain

Previous Comments:

Aaron -  I love the cookie you just need to fill it with yummy goodness!