Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cheesecake hello kitty cake pops! mmmm :)

I saw this on one of the blogs that I follow... I have made them with cake but not cheesecake. When I saw the cheesecake idea, I had to try it! This was my first time making cheesecake from scratch. Love cooking. It's art for me... and so therapeutic. I can see something and take it apart in my head and figure out how to do it. Love it. I researched for a killer cheesecake recipe and finally found the perfect one. WOW, um... there is a whole lot of dairy in cheesecake! (duh!) no wonder it hurts my lactose tummy so much!
Once the cheesecake is made and cooled... time to dig in with your cookie scoop! So fun and soooo difficult. The texture of cheesecake makes it really hard to make into the balls and stay put. I was a bit nervous when I got to this part. Wasn't sure if I was going to make it past this step. Finally figured out a couple tricks to help
with the process.

Since these were for Ms. Izzie-bizzie's 7th birthday part I let her choose if she wanted me to dunk the cheesecake in crushed oreo's or graham crackers.... oreo's it is!
The ears are white chocolate chips! Who ever came up with this original design is genius! ;) Once ears and pops are in place it's time to dunk them in
warm... ooey... gooey... white chocolate!

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The person who came up with the original design used a mini M&M as part of the bow and a yellow large chocolate sprinkle for the nose. Both contain nuts.... which means they are not ok for Ms. Izzie-bizzie's birthday party. I searched and searched trying to come up with a alternate solution for the M&M... only thing I could come up with with my resources were Red Hots... lol. There was a warning before people took a bite into Hello Kitty's head. "You might want to take the bow off first, cheesecake and Red Hots don't really mix well together!" Don't taste well together but the look was spot on! There was no replacement for the nose. I decided to use a gel frosting for all the facial features. You can use a food coloring pen but I did not have the access to the right brand and didn't have the time to order one on-line.
Mental note for future Hello Kitty pops! ;)

009 The final product! They were adorable and got some serious rave reviews on what they tasted like. Next time I'm investing in the correct food coloring pens! Have a feeling they will make a world of difference!

Happy Wednesday!

There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Surprise for Mickey & Echo! :)

Echo loves Hello Kitty. When I saw these cake pops on a baking blog I stalk (yup, that's right) I knew I had to make them. It was my first time making a cake pop in general and I think they turned out pretty dang good. I made Mickey a different version of the cake pop without the stick. The squeal of delight and big hug from Echo made all that hard work worth it! Izzard is also a big fan of Hello Kitty and I'm sure when she see's the pictures of these she is going to request them for her birthday too.

Surprise Mickey & Echo food 

Previous comments:

Mom - wow that's quite the spread! And you're quite the little baker..very cool looking.

Aaron - Now that was a party. Preparation, invitations, great turn out with great people, awesome grub, and tons of smiles! The nummy desserts so rocked. Hello Kitty cake pops were so delicious. I want them for my birthday...guys can like Hello Kitty too...right?